A couple of my fingernails are curling downward as they grow.

Patient: A couple of my fingernails are curling downward as they grow. Is this due to a poor diet?

Optional Information
Gender: female
Age: 60
Already Tried: nothing

Doctor: Fingernail changes are due to SO many things, it is hard to say without a picture.

But in general, if your fingernails are strong, but curling this is less of a concern than if they are weak and “bendy”.


Curling down is very much associated with respiratory problems- asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and the like.

Iron deficiency will produce pale nails which can curl.

There are many other causes-

See this site at Mayo-


There has not been shown that any dietary change can produce real changes.

However, it depends on what exactly is wrong.

In general, protein, calcium, Vit, B and C have all been used to give better nail health.


You want to be examined- think of the nails as the windows to Continue reading A couple of my fingernails are curling downward as they grow.

I have been having some rather serious anxiety for no reason

Patient: Hello I have been having some rather serious anxiety for no reason combined with aggravating depression for about 3 months solid. It comes in waves – I feel nromal about 20% of the time and then revert back to teh high anxiety and depression feeling the rest of the time. I noticed that these symptoms all started in June when they put me on high blood pressure meds (Lisonopril 20-30mg). I talked to the doctor already about ity and he shrugged it off. Some days I think I need to just drive down and check myself in to a mengtal hospital it gets that bad.

Optional Information
Gender: Male
Age: 50
Already Tried: I tried talking to my Doctor – he shrugs it off. I contacted a family friend who is a Phd Psychology professor to ask him for a referral – he blew me off like I was bothering him. No help. No answers. Just reading on the internet.

Doctor: Greetings and welcome to Health.is.edu ,

Do you have memory impairment, fatigue, dizziness, headache?

what are the other drugs you are taking?

Patient: All of the above – not too many headaches but just one this morning when I woke up.
Other drugs are for Diabetes – Insukin N and Insulin R 50u ea 1x daily

Doctor: Thank you for the information,

The depression, stress, anxiety , woory and other psychological causes may cause such symptoms in you.The other possibility could be the sid effect of the drug lisinopril.

The drug lisinopril may cause the CNS symptoms like dizziness, headache, ataxia, memory impairment, tremor, peripheral neuropathy, confusion, insomnia, somnolence, hypersomnia, irritability, and Continue reading I have been having some rather serious anxiety for no reason

I take fluoxetine/prozac and for the last few months…

Patient: Hi– i take fluoxetine/prozac and for the last few months or so i have not taken it at all or i have taken it approx. 3 times –im supposed to take it everyday. i know that im not supposed to do that–ive just been really bad about taking it. i have been on it for approx 2 years but i dont think it really works, and i keep changing doctors because they keep leaving or are they are terrible, so i don’t really have a doctor i like or trust. anyway i have had severe headaches the last few days and im guessing its because i have stopped taking the fluoxetine. Should I just stop it all together? or should i start taking it again right away?not sure what to do…
thanks for any advice

Optional Information
Gender: Female
Age: 29

Doctor: Hi,
It is very difficult to be able to tell if the medication is working unless it is taken consistently as prescribed. I think you should take the medication as prescribed, but be sure to schedule an appointment with either a new psychiatrist or the one you have seen before. If you take this medication appropriately until you see your physician, you can determine whether it really is or isn’t working. You can discuss this with your doctor and hopefully receive assistance with alternate or additional medications. Hope this helps.


Patient: Hi Mark–thanks–
i dont care so much about if the meds work bec like i said i have been taking it for 2 years–and just recently have stopped taking it and i know they dont work. what im worried about is the headaches. so you think i should just get back on them and Continue reading I take fluoxetine/prozac and for the last few months…

Is there any medicine to help avoid the withdrawals symptoms from getting off benzodiazepines?

Patient: Hello, is there any medicine to help avoid the withdrawals symptoms from getting off benzodiazepines?

Optional Information
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Already Tried: 10 mgs. of valium daily to treat an anxiety disorder. For 4 years. Whenever I try to quit the medicine, even in small steps, strong withdrawal symptoms appear. Is there any treatmente to get off benzodiazepines?

Doctor: Hi, Yes there are treatments available. Many professionals and physicians prefer you to do this inpatient such as a t a rehab or hospital. The reason is the withdrawals are very severe and can cause seizures and other problems. You are probably experiencing these symptoms: tremors, headaches, anxiety, skin crawl, at times hallucinations, night sweats, nausea, or any other symptoms.

Some physicians will taper you off these over a period of time on an outpatient basis, but the taper is much longer than an inpatient facility. Please phone your physician before attempting to do this on your own. It can cause many problems for you.
