My question is about the swine flu. I flew to Europe three

Patient: My question is about the swine flu. I flew to Europe three days ago from NYC, an area that has had many cases of swine flu. I am now staying at a hotel. I would like to know whether I should go see a doctor, given the following:
– I have an inkling of a cough in my chest – I’m not coughing left and right at all, but every now and then I feel like I *could* cough. But I can hold it in.
– I don’t have a fever at all.
– My nose is a bit runny, but that’s always the case since I have an allergy.
– I don’t feel weak, no muscle pains, no vomiting.
So basically, my only (semi-)symptom is a little occasional dry cough. Should I see a generalist doctor?

Optional Information
Gender: Male
Age: 30
State/Country: NY
Already Tried: Nothing. Continue reading My question is about the swine flu. I flew to Europe three

Where in the US is the best hosp. for treatment of amyplasia?

Patient: Where in the US is the best hosp. for treatment of amyplasia ?

Optional Information
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Already Tried: my first try


Hi Mandy. Thank you for asking your question on .

Do you mean Amyoplasia?
Amyoplasia is a sub-group of a condition called Athrogryposis Multiplex Congenita

I would recommend two Hospitals with AMC clinics:

NYC Hospital for Joint Diseases, Center for Children, Athrogryposis Clinic


Seattle Children’s Hospital- Arthrogryposis Clinic Quarterly

Dr. Judith Hall is a geneticist who has done extensive research on Arthrogryposis currently sees patients at Seattle Children’s Hospital’s Clinic.

For more information, resources and support go to:

Good luck to you


I am a 29 year old female, healthy weight and never smoked.

Patient: HI I am a 29 year old female, healthy weight and never smoked. In April I noticed a rattle in my chest and my cough (which has been around for years) changed, after an xray I was diagnosed with a mild pneumonic consoldiation in the mid and lower left lung. After oral antibiotics, a follow up xray in June showed a residual opacification, another dose of antibiotics and an xray in August was clear. I had a spirometry test done a couple of weeks ago which was normal and ruled out athsma, My question is I still have a rattle in the left lung when I breathe deeply, especially when lying down and I still cough and produce clear sputum, what could be going on? Can there be a residual rattle (which doctors haven’t been able to hear but I can feel) after pneumonia? how do i get rid of it? Continue reading I am a 29 year old female, healthy weight and never smoked.

Right After I Pee It Hurts..What Could Be Wrong?

Patient: Right After I Pee It Hurts..What Could Be Wrong?

Optional Information
Age: 21, Female, North Carolina
Already Tried: nothing

Doctor: You could have a urinary tract infection, a bladder infection, or possibly a sexually transmitted infection. You should see your provider who can take a urine sample and also do a quick swap of your vaginal area to check for other types of infections.