I’ve been on Cymbalta for 5 months after going through a seratonin overdose

Patient: I’ve been on Cymbalta for 5 months after going through a seratonin overdose from taking Celexa (citalopram) over several years. I have recovered from a 2 month depressive episode which occurred after stopping Celexa and starting Cymbalta. I’m concerned about the long term effects again, such as liver damage, accelerated dementia and dependency. When I miss a day I get quite dizzy. I now have side effects of headaches, extreme pain on outside of left arm/shoulder when raising arm and short term memory loss. Not sure all are related to Cymbalta. I feel comfortable saying I have general anxiety disorder when depressed. It’s cyclical. I’ve been in talk therapy for years and have some mental tools for interrrpting the negative spiral. My question is, should I be taking Cymbalta continuously or would Welbutrine for episodes be healthier if not as effective.

Optional Information
Gender: Male
Age: 63 Continue reading I’ve been on Cymbalta for 5 months after going through a seratonin overdose